Oahu (photo by Torry Courte)

Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve (photo by Torry Courte) – Oahu Hawaii

Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve – Oahu Hawaii (photo by Torry Courte)

Photo of Hanauma Bay (by Torry Courte)

Hanauma Bay (photo by Torry Courte)

This photo was taken at Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve on Oahu in 2013. The bay is a designated nature preserve, set up to protect and restore the area’s delicate marine ecosystem. The area is amazing for snorkeling, with abundant ocean life just below the water’s surface.

For more info on this amazing and beautiful location, you can visit the wikipedia page here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanauma_Bay or the official government website here: http://www1.honolulu.gov/parks/facility/hanaumabay/

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